What does SEO friendly mean?

Learn about what does SEO friendly mean and how it can help your business attract more customers.  It's a question that would be asked by many people if they are starting up an online business. SEO is the art of attracting maximum traffic to your site and increasing the quality of visitors. Hence it is an excellent way to help your online business grow faster and make more money from it. But that does not mean that each and every online business has to invest in high-priced SEO.

what does SEO mean

let us understand what does SEO mean. It is an abbreviation for search engine optimization. SEO means optimizing your website so that it would appear on the top pages of the search engine results page. This would definitely draw more traffic to your website and hence, more sales. Now you know what does SEO mean and what it does. You might be wondering what would be the benefit of your website getting on the first page of the search engine results page.

How to do SEO

Well, if your online business is about selling some product or service. Then getting on the first page would mean a lot of money for you. This is because the number of clicks you will get from people is directly proportional to the number of visitors you have on your site. So when you have a large number of people visiting your site, you will definitely make more sales. This is one way you can increase your online business income without investing anything at all.

How to do SEO
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You must ensure that you have selected the right keywords. That would allow your site to get listed on the first page of the search results. You need to spend time finding out

  1. what these keywords are
  2. what phrases or keywords are commonly searched by your target market.

This would help you come up with the right set of keywords you need to use. You would need to spend time and effort doing this. If you do not want to run into a lot of competition with your competitors.

You may also want to incorporate these keywords within the meta tag of your web pages as well as in your title tags. This will help improve the rankings of your webpage within the search results. It is important that you get to be on the first page of the search results pages since most people will click on the first result they see. In addition, having your site listed on the first page will increase your online business income. In a competitive world such as today's, having a lot of traffic is very beneficial.

Advertise Your Online Business On the Internet.

It is also important that you advertise your online business on the internet. There are various mediums you could choose from in order to advertise your business. There are also various online directories you could go to and put your website in. Another option would be to buy some advertising space in magazines and newspapers. Getting in touch with professional writers to write articles about your products is another way you could generate traffic to your site. All these strategies would help you increase the number of visitors to your site increasing your sales.


You can also make use of blogs and other social media websites to promote your products. You should make sure that your website optimizes for search engines. For example, you can optimize the keywords you use in your blog with the search engine you want your visitors to use to find you. You should also keep in mind that the search engine optimization industry is growing every year. Many people are now able to do their own optimization for their websites. Which will greatly increase their chances of being ranked high in search results.


In summary, what does SEO friendly means would be that you make sure that your website gets listed in Google and other search engines? Also, you need to make sure that you have your website optimized so that it will rank high in the search results. You also need to keep in mind that there is more than one way you could get traffic to your site. Getting in touch with professionals who specialize in marketing is definitely one of the best ways to increase your traffic.

How can I be SEO friendly?

Answer: Here's a few tips to start you off:

  • Put keywords in your title and URL
  • Relevant, helpful posts get shared more  which helps you gain followers and likes 
  • Fill out the "About" section on your site clearly and with relevant content that will help readers understand
  • who you are?
  • what your site is about.

Be sure to include what platform they can find you on

  • Consider guest blogging, spreading the word through social media, or taking advantage of free advertisements like Adwords.

 We all want to be SEO friendly, but most people aren't. There are a number of factors that go into being SEO friendly including factors such as the

  • Mobile-friendly website
  • Optimization for graphics,
  • Videos,
  • Audio.

Keywords are important too. You can help your site rank better in search engine rankings by inserting keyword phrases in various sections of the webpage - for instance, a page about a New York hotel could have keywords like "New York", "nightlife", and "hotel" inserted in the headline or article body text with several instances throughout each per page.

What is an SEO example?

You have owned your website that works to optimize the page for search engine crawling programs, or robots. These resources can include various text and HTML meta tags, link exchanges, site maps of all pages within the site, descriptions of content on each page, and other details about how visitors reach this page.

What is an SEO example?
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This information will do managed by a robot to find sites for inclusion in a search result list delivered to a user that is based on their input criteria

- yielding a number one return from hundreds or thousands of possible candidates. The point is optimization with low barriers-to-entrance so anyone entering the fray has an equal chance at ranking high enough to make it worthwhile. 

Is Google an SEO?

Yes. Google is the most SEO friendly search engine out there, simply because it's by far the most popular one.

There are several benefits to making your website as SEO-friendly as possible: firstly, more people will find your website and secondly, those who do find it will be more likely to stay on its front page for longer! This means they'll be more likely to view all of the pages you've created. Which goes a long way towards getting them converted into clients or subscribers.

Google is an S.E.O (search engine optimization). An SEO is someone who practices how to make websites rank higher in search engines like google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc.

For example, if you're looking for a lawyer that specializes in business law. You might not want your lawyer's website to stay optimized for when you search "lawyer". It should list what areas of practice they specialize in and the location where they practice law so businesses can find them in local search listings too if their criteria match up in the niche categories provided by the target site.

Conclusion paragraph: 

SEO friendly websites are designed to help users find the information they want quickly and easily. They also make it easier for search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo! Search to index them so that your site can be found by customers who are looking for you online. Here are some tips on how to create an SEO-friendly website. If there are any other questions, comments or feedback we would love to hear from you at Citi knowledge