What Is a Technical SEO Audit?

A technical SEO audit is typically a routine type of on-site search engine optimization (SEM) study that thoroughly checks a site for various technical SEO matters, such as site structure and backlinks. This study may also delve into issues such as keyword relevancy. While these two components are extremely important in SEM, many people fail to acknowledge the importance of the first component - link building.

With a properly executed on-site study, the researcher will be able to determine how well a site ranks in Google based on the number and quality of its internal and external links. This allows the SEM researcher to establish if the site is benefiting from natural or paid search results - two main factors behind the success of many successful sites online.

If your goal is to rank for competitive keywords, it’s not enough to just write good content. You need to make sure that your site is well optimized for search engines, which includes using the right keywords, directory listings, and directory submission. A Technical SEO audit is a detailed examination of all the technical aspects of your website so that you can find and fix any problems.

Introduction to website auditing what it is and why you need it

A technical SEO audit is a way of finding errors and improvements on a website. It is a process that can be done by someone with some tech knowledge but is often outsourced to experts. Website auditing will help you find areas of the site that need improvement and may reveal sources of negative traffic or ranking loss.

How to locate the major search engine crawler footprints on your site

Locate the major search engine crawler footprints on your site by conducting a “site map” crawl of your website. Use an extension for your browser to accomplish this.

What are crawl errors, and how to find them?

Crawl errors are either reported by Google Search Console or found while manually checking the content of your site. These errors happen when the crawlers can't retrieve or crawl your page. Some factors that may lead to crawl errors are slow loading times, too many redirects, and incorrect robots.txt crawling policies.

How to use tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider to analyze your site

You can use tools like Screaming Frog SEO Spider to analyze your site for technical SEO problems. This is a great way to see if you're missing anything in this area of SEO. For example, if there are 404 errors, you will want to work on getting your site crawled better. The same goes with using redirects or canonical tags.

SEO Checklist For 2021

Step #1: Check To See If Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly

Step #2: Make Sure Google Indexes ONE Version of Your Website

Step #3: Speed Up Your Site

Step #4: Find and Delete “Zombie Pages”

Step #5: Find and Fix Indexing Problems

Step #6: Check Your Organic Traffic

Step #7: Improve Your On-Page SEO

Step #8: Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking

Step #9: Analyze Your Backlinks

Step #10: Fix Broken Links

Step #11: Competitor Analysis

Step #12: Make Your Content 10x Better

Step #13: Optimize For UX Signals

Step #14: Flatten Your Website Architecture

Step #15: Launch a Skyscraper Post

Bonus Step #1: Get More From Your Internal Links

Bonus Step #2: Use a Site Audit Tool

Bonus Step #3: Optimize for Featured Snippets